Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sorry, Grandma

Well- week one of school went really well.  I brought all my meals to school with me
and managed to work out 4 times this week!!! I also got good rest- which is mega important
when excerizing.  One slight stumbling block I encountered this week was that I am becoming bored with
the food I am eating! Using Salsa with my veggies has helped alot, but i have to watch the sugar content with that (can't give the Devil a chance)  So- when I went food shopping yesterday, I began to look for some new and exciting things.  One thing I have missed eating is cheese- I found a great fat free/low sodium American cheese at a deli near my house- but i needed something for my whole grain pasta to jazz it up a bit- so i did something no good Italian should ever do- I bought fat-free ricotta cheese- and i absolutely love it! My Sicilian grandmother is spinning in her grave... I made whole grain pasta with tomato sauce, squash and ricotta- and it was amazing- looking forward to experimenting more as the weeks go on to fight the bordem.
Sorry Grandma!!!!


  1. Wow! I'm reading this and I feel like it's someone else. I am in awe of how strong you are and how hopefully this blog will empower others. Keep up the good work. I am so proud of you. I can't stop saying that. I think your grandmother would be proud as well. Maybe she'd only do a 180 instead of an entire 360. Hee Hee.

  2. Friend, all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!! I had heard about your weight loss through the grapevine. Everyone is so proud of you and is really pulling for you. I love you and want you to be around to play guitar at Patty and Gracie's weddings so keep staying strong and healthy. I just love this BLOG and am totally a fan and follower.
    LOVE YOU< Alexie
