Wednesday, September 1, 2010

As a child  I was always thin- then I hit adolescence and it was all down hill from there... I have been over weight since then- never really making a serious effort to do anything about it.  Well- no more.  so far the past three months I have learned that as  Americans we eat all wrong.  Portion size is crucial- I have armed myself with a measuring cup, spoons and a digital food scale- everything that goes into my mouth gets measured or weighed.  "Oh Jeannie"- you may be thinking- "that won't last- you'll get tired"- no because it is becoming a routine and a lifestyle- it is not a diet-. One of the coaches at Curves said to me today- "I never say that I am dieting- why? - the first part of that word is- "Die"!!!!- (lol), Next you might say- "Oh so you're never going to eat out again?"- Of course not- Eating out is not the enemy- All if not most resturants (at least in NY) list calories for all of their dishes- and all you have to do is ask how something is prepared.  You can also swap things in and out- double veggies instead of potatoes or pasta- etc.  And- if the portion is huge- cut it in half- even 3 portions if you have to and take the rest home.  Don't get me wrong folks- I'm new at this and am still working to get it right. I guess my hope with this blog is maybe to help someone else who is struggling with their weight and is tired of fad diets.  The Journey I am on is not a diet- it is a complete lifestyle change and nutritional quest.  I'll stop rambling now- but not before I share some important things I have learned about nutrition-
1. Sugar is the Devil- Obliterate it from your life
2. Sodium is the Devil-
those cute little Healthy Choice frozen dinners you eat-Loaded with it-
start cooking your own food- NOW!!!!
3. Corn is not a vegetable- it is the Devil... it raises your blood sugar.
Eat green veggies- every day- 3x's a day!!!!
4. You know that saying- "An apple a day-" it really should be an Orange!-1 every day.
5. Physical activity is crucial- as my friend Jon says-"Put down the mouse and get out of the House!"
6. And finally- Portion control will save your life- use smaller plates- check
the serving size on the package or box- follow what it says-
Eat 6 small  meals a day instead of "three squares"
or else you'll stay round!
Until next time


  1. This is too funny. Love it. And love the photo.

  2. Very well written and very well said! So proud of you, Jeannie! You have absolutely motivated me. Keep up the great work and the great blog! P.S. I love the picture, too. I had never seen that one.

  3. Hi Jeannie
    What an inspiration you are!!!! From a woman who is also in midlife and going thru a lot of hormonal changes, I say bravo to you!! I have struggled with my weight for so many years. I describe myself as a true roller coaster and yo-yo. So.... here I go again but... with renewed strength and inspiration from you. I also recently joined Curves, and am trying to focus on better eating habits. I will follow your blog to watch your progress, so I am holding you accountable to being my inspirational motivator.
    I love you Jeannie!!!!!
    Love and prayers,
    Mary Velez
