Friday, October 15, 2010

Bless me, Father-for I have sinned...

Yes- it is what you think- today-I cheated.  It was Ring day at school- and I spent the morning running up and down the 198th street hill, helping my Senior's skate- after that, I helped run the ceremony and ran the sound and music for the Comedy Skit I wrote-all this I achieved on a mere bowl of Kashi cereal.  So when I arrived at UNO's for the luncheon at 12:30- needless to say- I was starving!  So yes- I had two mozzarella sticks before my meal- and a very tiny cupcake after- it really was so cute and tiny- one of the students baked them for everyone-.  I did good with the meal though- my co-worker Monica is on Atkins- so we ordered burgers- took them out of the bun and substituted side salads for the fries.  So- it's off to the gym tomorrow for penance and absolution... ciao for now!


  1. You are my hero!!!! Keep at it, we're bound to have our moments of weakness. What is important is to remember to not let it linger. You did it, you sweat it out in the gym and move on. I've let my momentary lapse last for days!!!!! Reading this helps me, thanks Jeannebeth! :)
